IoT AVA Health Care

R59,90 incl VAT

Our Doctors will call, assess, and email your daignosis, script or sick note accordingly.
1 x Higo Pro device with 5 exchangeable modules (temperature, throat, ear, heart and skin)

IoT AVA Health Care

24/7 Doctor access Unlimited Consultations

AVA includes the remote monitoring of patients performed by a trained AVA Champion Operator by gathering and saving all historical medical data and images, and other forms of communication, allowing healthcare providers to deliver care outside of traditional in-person visits.

Data sent to a doctor for final diagnosis R59.90 per month per registered user and R1 000.00 per month for medical equipment - Subject to a 24 month contract and minimum of 200 users. The Higo® device is a class IIa medical device with a CE Certificate of conformity to the requirements of Annex II of the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC. HigoSense Sp. z o. o. is certified in accordance with ISO 13485:2016 in the field of quality management systems, which continuously improves the quality.

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